School Alerts

Student Support and Wellbeing

Student Support and Wellbeing


All safeguarding procedures are documented via the safeguarding software programme and followed up as appropriate via internal or external support systems. All staff have the responsibility to log anything via the system that they deem to be inappropriate, and this can vary in significance of concern. We have a mental health lead on site who deals with some follow up support from concerns logged. In addition, we have an extended pastoral team who are responsible for the safeguarding of their year group with the overarching support of the Designated and Deputy Safeguarding Lead. We network with a wide variety of external services to ensure all children are fully supported, this includes: TADS, Compass, CAMHS, Counselling and the Police.


Designated Safeguarding Lead – Francesca Poppleton

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for the school is Francesca Poppleton

Email address:

Safeguarding email address:


If you are concerned that a professional or carer has harmed a child, please contact Ruth Holmes – Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) on 01226 772341.


Chair of the TMB – Richard Ellam

The Chair of the TMB is Richard Ellam

Safeguarding TMB member – Lorraine Yates

The Safeguarding TMB member for the school is Lorraine Yates.


Our wider safeguarding team:

Pastoral Leader Year 7

Mr Terry Simon:

Pastoral Leader Year 8

Mrs Jo Shore:

Pastoral Leader Year 9

Mrs Colette Ellis:

Pastoral Leader Year 10 and 11

Mrs Kay Child:


You can contact Childline about anything. Whatever your worry, its better out than in. Childline is here to help you find ways to cope. There are lots of different ways to get in touch with Childline and you can also get help from other young people through the site. Call: 0800 11 11

CEOP – A National Crime Agency Command

Has someone done something online that has made you or a child or young person you know, feel worried or unsafe? Make a report to one of CEOP’s experienced Child Protection Advisors.…

Support services

Radicalisation and Extremism Policy

Eating disorder support

Astrea-Safeguarding-Policy 2023-2024

Parent guide to mental health

Parental control guide

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