Key Dates
- Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday (school closed)
- Thursday 9th May – Y11 GCSE examinations begin
- Monday 24th June – Year 7 Parents’ Evening
- Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May – Half Term
- Monday 17th June – Friday 5th July – Year 10 mock examinations
- Friday 28th June – INSET Day
- Friday 12th July – Sports Day
- Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th July – Year 6 Transition
- Friday 19th July – Last day of term
- Monday 22nd July – INSET Day
- Tuesday 23rd July – 31st August – Summer Holiday
- Thursday 22nd August – GCSE Results Day
Recently, you may have noticed a reduction in the total number of positive points your child has achieved, which are recorded on the Class Charts system. Since returning from the Easter break, many scholars have experienced class changes due to essential timetable amendments. Class Charts automatically displays total positive points from their current classes only. This setting has been upgraded to also include any positive points from archived classes. You can be assured that your child’s current Class Charts positive points total is now up to date and an accurate reflection of their school performance across the full academic year to date.
There have been some changes to our Homework Policy which scholars will be made aware of during Morning Meetings.
In Key Stage 3, scholars will continue to receive homework in maths and English. Both subjects will use Sparx to assign homework and the usernames and passwords will remain the same as they are now. Please refer to the table below for submission days:
Scholars who successfully complete homework will receive 10 positive points. Homework Club is offered every day at 3pm in IT02. If homework is not completed by 7am on the due date, scholars will be required to attend a compulsory support session the same day (maths is on Wednesday and English is on Thursday). If homework is still not completed following the support club, a 60-minute detention will be issued.
In Key Stage 4, there has been a slight change to the day of submission for English; this has moved to Wednesday instead of Tuesday.
If you have any questions regarding homework, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Academic Year Lead at school. Thank you for your continued support.
Here are some fantastic examples of the work completed by scholars last week
As you are aware, we currently use ParentPay for our cashless payments in school. During the summer holiday, we will be moving over to MyChildAtSchool (MACS) payments. If you already have activated your MCAS account, there is no further action needed and any balance remaining on ParentPay will automatically transfer over. If you are yet to activate your MACS and need help in completing this, please contact
Do you have concerns about your child’s sleep routine? There is support available for our young people with sleep hygiene and routine. The 0-19 Barnsley Public Health Nursing Service work confidentially with our young people around sleep and they can also support with personal hygiene, puberty and sexual health. If you would like to know more, please contact your child’s Pastoral Year Lead and we can complete a referral form into the service. Further information can also be found at
If your child is struggling with managing exam stress and not already accessing support in school, please contact Sarah South (Senior Mental Health and Trauma Lead) via email, for more support.
Sparx Maths
Completion rates at Astrea Academy Dearne dropped by a small amount in the first week back after the Easter break. Please encourage your child to complete their homework; the exercises they complete on SPARX will improve their Maths knowledge. A huge well done to all scholars who completed their homework last week.
Please remember the Maths department offers support for homework on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. These sessions begin straight after school and allow students to have extra support for their homework.
Over 100 scholars will be taking part in the UKMT Maths challenge next week and we look forward to letting you know how they get on in the near future.
DEADLINE for KS3 is 7am every Wednesday. For KS4, the deadline is 7am every Monday. Failure to complete homework by these times results in the SPARX support club and failure to complete this will result in a 60-minute detention.
Year 11 | 76% |
Year 10 | 70% |
Year 9 | 78% |
Year 8 | 80% |
Year 7 | 79% |
Absence reminder
What should I do if my child is absent from school?
Students are legally required to attend school every day and should only be absent in real emergencies. If your child is not in school, they must have a justified reason.
If your child is absent from school, please contact school before 8.30am and leave a message clearly stating the reason for the absence.
Telephone our dedicated absence lines 01709 892211 (Option 2)
Send a message via the ‘my child at school’ app
- Year 7 Mrs Bann –
- Year 8 Mrs Wheatcroft and Mrs Stringfellow – and
- Year -9 Mrs Mason –
- Year 10 – Mrs Dickenson –
- Year 11 – Mr Crew –
Vacancies at Astrea Academy Dearne
We currently have vacancies to join our team at Astrea Academy Dearne. Please see below for a link to the My New Term recruitment site. Please contact school if you would like any further information.
Astrea Academy Dearne – MyNewTerm
You can contact us by calling reception on 01709 892211 or emailing
We use the My Child At School (MCAS) to communicate with our parents and carers. MCAS is the online platform that allows us to share information live with you. It enables families to view live data including a student’s timetable, list of teachers, number of rewards and behaviour points and so on. If you have not yet registered for MCAS and would like some support to do so please contact school reception or you can follow this guide MCAS and Communication – Dearne Academy (