School Alerts

Newsletter 12th April 2024

Key Dates

  • Monday 15th April – Year 10 Parents’ Evening
  • Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday (school closed)
  • Thursday 9th May – Y11 GCSE examinations begin
  • Monday 24th June – Year 7 Parents’ Evening
  • Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May – Half Term
  • Monday 17th June – Friday 5th July – Year 10 mock examinations
  • Friday 28th June – INSET Day
  • Friday 12th July – Sports Day
  • Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th July – Year 6 Transition
  • Friday 19th July – Last day of term
  • Monday 22nd July – INSET Day
  • Tuesday 23rd July – 31st August – Summer Holiday
  • Thursday 22nd August – GCSE Results Day

Year 10 Parents’ Evening 

Year 10 Parents’ Evening will take place at school on Monday 15th April 2024, between 3.15pm and 6pm. To book appointments with your child’s teachers, please use the link to School Cloud here 

If you have any questions regarding the Parents’ Evening, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Child or Mr Atkinson at school. Thank you for your continued support.  

Amendment to term dates 

There has been an amendment to the academy term dates and Monday 22nd July 2024 will now be an INSET day. The academy will be closed to scholars on this day.

The last school day of this academic year is now Friday 19th July 2024.

Computing Quality Mark

Astrea Academy Dearne has been recognised for delivering high-quality computing education to young people, developing their digital skills and preparing them for the future.

The school has achieved the national Computing Quality Mark after evaluating its computing education and demonstrating high-quality provision. The Computing Quality Mark is awarded by the National Centre for Computing Education and recognises excellence of computing education offered by a school as part of their curriculum development through the Computing Quality Framework (CQF).

The school completed all seven aspects of the CQF in order to receive the Computing Quality Mark, which recognises achievement in:

  • Leadership and Vision
  • Curriculum and Qualifications
  • Teaching, Learning and Assessment
  • Staff Development
  • Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and SEND
  • Careers Education
  • Impact on Outcomes


The ‘Fantastic Family Funfair’ is taking place from Thursday 11th April 2024 to Saturday 13th April 2024 at Goldthorpe Town Centre, Old School Site.  Here are 5 top tips in supporting your child’s safety whilst at the Funfair:

  1. Give your child a limited amount of money and check how much they come home with
  2. Set a curfew for your child to come home (we would recommend this was before it gets dark)
  3. Make a safety plan with your child, if they lose their phone or their friends, how do they contact you
  4. Encourage your child to stay with a group of friends (we recommend pairs or threes)
  5. Remind your child about stranger danger and not talking or sharing their details to people they do not know


Now that the Summer term has begun, we have made some changes to our Enrichment timetable.

Our new sports clubs are NFL Flag after school on Mondays, Table Tennis at lunchtimes and Rounders after school on Wednesdays. (NFL Flag is American Flag Football).

Clubs are for all our scholars regardless of ability, are free to attend, and scholars can come to as many different clubs as they like. There is no need to sign up for our clubs – scholars can come along on the day. For sports clubs, scholars will need PE kit, or as close to the school PE kit as possible.

Please see the timetable below for a closer look. We are looking forward to seeing our scholars try something new and continue to get involved in extra-curricular activities.

Sparx Maths

Completion rates at Astrea Academy Dearne remain strong, with Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 and Year 11 improving their completion rates, compared to the last full week. A huge well done to all scholars who have completed their homework this week!

Please remember the Maths department offers support for homework on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  These sessions begin straight after school and allow students to have support when completing their homework.

DEADLINE for KS3 is 7am every Wednesday and for KS4 the deadline is 7am every Monday.  Failure to complete homework by these days results in the SPARX support club.

Year 11 75%
Year 10 70%
Year 9 83%
Year 8 83%
Year 7 84%
To monitor your child’s behaviour and to manage detentions, please download the ClassCharts app for Apple or Android. We now only use ClassCharts to communicate regarding detentions. Please contact main reception if you do not have your login details.

Absence reminder

What should I do if my child is absent from school?

Students are legally required to attend school every day and should only be absent in real emergencies. If your child is not in school, they must have a justified reason.

If your child is absent from school, please contact school before 8.30am and leave a message clearly stating the reason for the absence.

Telephone our dedicated absence lines 01709 892211 (Option 2) 

Send a message via the ‘my child at school’ app

  • Year 7 Mrs
  • Year 8 Mrs Wheatcroft and Mrs and
  • Year -9 Mrs Mason –
  • Year 10 – Mrs Dickenson –
  • Year 11 – Mr Crew –


You can contact us by calling reception on 01709 892211 or emailing

We use the My Child At School (MCAS) to communicate with our parents and carers. MCAS is the online platform that allows us to share information live with you. It enables families to view live data including a student’s timetable, list of teachers, number of rewards and behaviour points and so on. If you have not yet registered for MCAS and would like some support to do so please contact school reception or you can follow this guide MCAS and Communication – Dearne Academy (

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