Astrea Academy Dearne is a strong, morally driven school where inclusivity underpins all that we do, truly believing that Every Child Matters. Senior Leaders are committed to ensure that the needs of all the children are being met through our curriculum offer. The curriculum offer is reviewed annually and curriculum design and evaluation has a pivotal role to play in ensuring children achieve the best possible outcomes for their future. We have embraced the new GCSE 9-1 specifications and have moved to a more demanding, yet broad and balanced curriculum. We see the curriculum as the building blocks on which good teaching and learning can take place. We have a 3 year Key Stage 3 and a 2 year Key Stage 4.
We strive to ensure students leave Astrea Academy Dearne able to thrive in a modern day Britain, having the skills to allow them to be successful in their chosen career. For this to happen, students need to leave school being able to speak, read and write in fluent English and be numerate in financial literacy; able to use functional maths in most forms of employment. In our curriculum, both at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4, English and maths underpin all the other subjects. This has led to English and maths having a significant amount of curriculum time. Alongside subject knowledge and skills, we develop children’s interpersonal skills such as resilience, determination and work ethos, as well as being good citizens and morally, socially and spiritually conscious.
To find out more regarding our curriculum, please contact Mrs Brough, Vice Principal by calling the school on 01709 892211.
Curriculum areas:
Art and Photography
Art and Photography Skills Tracker
Art and Photography Long Term Plan
Athena Year 7 Long term plan 2022/2023
Athena Year 8 and-9 Long term plan 2022/2023
Athena Year 10 and 11 Long term plan 2022/2023
Synergy Long term plan 2022/2023
Eleos long term plan 2022-2023
Information, Business and Computing
Year 10 Business Studies Long Term Plan
Year 11 Business Studies Long Term Plan
Modern Foreign Languages
Modern Foreign Languages Intent
Year 10 Spanish Long Term Plan
Year 11 Spanish Long Term Plan
PSHCE and Personal Development
Personal Development and PSHCE Intent
Social Sciences (Psychology, Health and Social Care, Child Development)
Faculty Delivery Plan – Social Sciences