School Alerts

Careers and Guidance

Careers Support and Guidance

Miss Mills is the Careers Leader and Level 6 registered Career Development Professional at Astrea Academy Dearne. She is determined that when our scholars leave Astrea, they do so having made a well informed and realistic decision about their next steps in life. This means starting the process long before reaching Year 11.

During Year 11, every scholar will have at least one personal careers appointment with Miss Mills in school. Additional sessions can also be booked during lunch time. 
We appreciate that some parents and carers may wish to be part of these discussion. We invite parents/carers and scholars to book a meeting with Miss Mills on Mondays or Wednesdays between 3pm and 4pm.
To book a meeting, please email:
Alternatively, you can ring: 01709 892211 ext 1204

Careers Programme

We have a comprehensive and varied Careers Programme at Astrea Academy Dearne. Every student is entitled access to this programme. Parents and Carers are also welcomed to join in aspects of the programme in order to support their child’s decision making. 

AAD Careers Plan 2024-2025

This plan was approved in September 2024 and will be reviewed in September 2025. 

Our Careers Programme is evaluated each term in conjunction with the South Yorkshire Careers Hub and the Careers and Enterprise Company. 

Key Information

Scholar Destination Report 2024 – This download shows the progression destinations of Astrea Academy Dearne scholars from the year 2024. 

Provider Access Legislation (PAL) Policy Statement

HeppSY Full Privacy Notice 2024-25

Morrisby is an online careers platform where scholars can view, record and evaluate aspects of their own personal careers programme as well as extra-curricular activities. 

Individual action plans are created on Morrisby and a whole host of resources can be accessed about Colleges, Sixth Forms, Apprenticeships, Universities and career information.  

One to one Career Guidance interviews are also recorded on here.  Parents/Carers can also access Morrisby to view their child’s record of learning activity and to view careers resources and information. 

Scholars have a log in which can be accessed on the following link:

Curriculum Careers Information

Key Staff and Contacts

Miss Mills – Careers Leader and Registered Careers Adviser (

Mr Calverley – Assistant Principal (Personal Development) (

Mrs Carruthers – National Careers Lead for Astrea Academy Trust (

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