School Alerts

Behaviour Policy Appendix – Feb 2024

The behaviour policy has been in place since September 2022 and now is the perfect time to review to further support excellent behaviour in the academy.  

There are going to be some trial changes to the policy starting on Monday 19th February 2024.  


  • Detentions will become 30 minutes (instead of 45) and 60 minutes (instead of 90). 
  • Detentions will all become a next day detention. This will mean the overview of the day is reviewed at 4pm each day.
  • Parents will be given notice of the detention shortly after 4pm.
  • Each day is a fresh start and every child will start the day on zero negative points.

Reset Base

  • Reset will become a next day sanction.
  • Parents will be made aware shortly after 4pm that their child is in reset the next day.  
  • Reset will still have a 60-minute detention attached to it. (9am – 4pm). However, if a scholar has a ‘perfect reset’, their detention will be reduced to 30 minutes.  A perfect day is a whole day without a warning.  


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